Monday, October 18, 2010

Armchair Warrior No Longer

This is my first blog post ever on a blog site created by me.

I tend to rant on and on about certain topics but don't do anything about them.  Well, I don't consider myself to be someone who would easily win favor as a politician, so I thought I'd blog and see if anyone finds my points of view to hold water.  I generally have found that (unless I am deceiving myself - always possible), my predictions on political and social topics come to fruition.  This blog - if kept up over a very long period of time - will show the truth or falsehood in this statement.

ps to the above statement after posting - it seems that I can edit this page and there is no history like on wikipedia.  So the only person who will be confident (or not) of the truth of my predictions will be me.

My general philosophies:
1.  International politics are (is?) very similar to human interaction.
2.  The vast majority of all populations and cultures are well meaning people.
3.  That geographically separate cultures have evolved at different rates over thousands of years.
4.  That the recent ability to communicate and more easily integrate populations around the world will cause the convergence of what people value and what people condemn.
5.  That the human tendency to be subjective causes most of the trouble in the world.
6.  That this subjectivism is exploited by a very small number of self-interested people.
7.  That laws should exist to protect people from harm and exploitation BY OTHERS and not much else.

As far as being a US citizen, I am what some people would call an apologist.  Some of this may be because I am naive, and some may be because I am most informed of the actions of my own country and have much to learn about the doings of earlier historical empires.  Hopefully, as I write these blogs, I will learn from the viewpoints of others as I try to do over the objections of ego.